Tipuranga Pod
Term 3
Kia Ora,
Welcome to Term 3. The
year is flying by!
It is time for
another update from us all in Tipuranga Pod (Pod 4).
This Term
- During
Term 3 we will focus on Science!
With a particular focus on ‘The Planet Earth and Beyond’. Expect
your child to come home fascinated in the solar system, astronauts,
rockets, space, and much more!
- We
will be focusing on the following skills (habits of the mind):
Questioning and posing problems
Striving for accuracy
Responding with wonderment and awe
Taking responsible risks
Awards will be handed
out for students that have shown these in ‘Tipuranga Time’ every Friday.
- We
will also be working on Oral Language by providing lots of opportunities
for the students to speak in a wide range of situations. One activity all
students will be involved in is sharing a current event article with their
class. Each child will have a turn to do this throughout the term. Details
of what is expected will be handed out to your child a few days before
they are expected to share so that they have time to prepare.
- Later
on in the term we will be learning a range of dance forms, so this will be
a lot of fun and certainly something to look forward to.
- Our
pod will be hosting assembly on Friday 18 September.
Home Fun
- Home Fun will
continue this term. It is due on MONDAY and is then issued on TUESDAY. Remember
there are lots of great research and creative tasks in the extra for
experts tab on the Tipuranga Blog - http://tipuranga.blogspot.co.nz/
- All
students have a ‘Skoolbo’ account so please encourage them to use this;
there are many useful activities to support the work that we do at school.
Some students also have a ‘Mathletics’ account, they have all been given
their passwords and logins so please ensure they go onto this as it is an
excellent way to reinforce and practice their skills in this area.
Thank You!
What an amazing term
we have just had!
The Wearable Arts was
a huge success and much of that success was due to the amazing support that we
had from all of you.
- Correct School Uniform
- Please
name all clothing with the correct name. Unnamed lost property is
collected and delivered to the Op Shop at the end of every week.
- Ensure
that children come to school with enough layers to be warm, as we do
fitness and other activities outside.
week starts in week 2 (Thursday 30 June)
- School
Fluro Vest – for bus children, children biking and class outings
- An
awesome attitude!
It is important that
we all work together so that your child can achieve their potential. If you
have any questions or concerns or simply something to share please contact us
via email or pop in and make a time to meet. Parent-help is always gratefully
received in our pod, so if you can help, please email us and let us know.
Yours sincerely,
Kath, Anne, Hannah,
Kelly and Annie
Family Picnic
Friday at 5.00 pm. Be there or be square! A Parent Forum initiative.

Year 4 upwards
At Wanaka swimming pool beginning at 9.00am
Monday 23 February
Morning - Competitive Swimming Sports
Afternoon - Non competitive
NB: Please remember tog & towel
Tipuranga Pod (Pod 4)
Dear Parents / Caregivers
Welcome Back! We hope you have all had a fantastic break and enjoyed some quality time with your child. We are all looking forward to this year as we have many exciting units and events planned. We can’t wait to get to know your child throughout the year.
This Term
During Term One we will be looking at creating an environment where we can all work together so that each student ‘can be the best that they can be’. We are also learning about respect for our environment and will be learning about ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’. We have four key values at Wanaka Primary School these are Respect, Truth, Responsibility and Support. The students will be looking at what exactly these look, sound and feel like. They will be aiming to model these values at all times and special recognition will be given to those students who display these consistently(see our awhina area).
- Brimmed Sunhat (named)
- Correct School Uniform (named)
- Water Bottle (named)
- School Fluro Vest – for bus children, children biking and class outings
- An awesome attitude!
Home/School Relationship
It is important that we all work together so that your child can achieve their potential. We will keep you informed by reports, samples of children’s work, parent interviews, children’s books and phone calls or emails home if needed. If you have any questions or concerns or simply something to share please contact us via email or pop in and make a time to meet. Parent-help is always gratefully received in our pod, so if you can help, please email us and let us know.
Library day this term will be Friday. Children cannot get books out if they have overdue books. Please ensure the books are returned to their home class so they can either renew or be issued with new books.
Homefun will begin in Week 4. In the front of your child’s ‘Homefun’ book there will be clear expectations for the term. If you would like these expectations emailed to you as well, once again please let us know.
Yours sincerely,
Kath, Anne, Hannah, Kelly and Annie
Teacher’s emails
Annie : annem@wanaka.school.nz
Kelly: kellyc@wanaka.school.nz
Hannah: hannahc@wanaka.school.nz
Meet the Teacher Evening at 6 - 7 pm
Cant wait to see you all there and to meet the parents we haven't met yet.
Welcome back to all our wonderful students. What a wonderful week you had. Keep up the hard work and use if our school values. We are seeing lots of RESPECT in all your work and play.
Last day of term : 18th December (Thursday) Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.
Athletics Day - Wednesday 29 October for all students 8 years old and over to be held at Wanaka Primary School from 11.00-3.00
School Photos on Tuesday, 28 October 2014. Come in full uniform and looking gorgeous
Labour Day (No School) - Monday, 27 October 2014
Science Roadshow - 23 October 2014
To be able to attend, $7 per student needs to paid to Reception by 3.00 pm Tuesday 21 October 2014
Term 4 begins on Monday 13th October
School Holidays begin Friday 26th
Assembly ( Pod 4 leading & presenting)
Friday 26 September at 2.10 pm
Cross-country certificates being presented
Strike musical group performance
9.30 & 10.45am.
26 August
30/08: Parent Forum Fashion evening
Be there or be square!
Ski & E.O.T.C. programme ( each Thursday T3)
El Gregoe performance
When: Mon, June 9, 9:15am – 10:15am
Red Mufti Day - Westpac Rescue Helicopter
When: May 30, 2014. Send along a gold coin. Great cause!
Assembly - Friday 22nd May
Pod 3 presenting
Kahurangi Maori Group Performance
When: Fri, May 23, 9:15am – 10:15am
Term 2 we will be doing dance every Wednesday afternoon, covering jumpjam (to begin every session for everyone). Then moving on to line dancing (Jenny), folk dancing (Annie) and latin (Hannah). Rooms 14, 15 and 16 will have three sessions for each type of dance.
Mufti Day, Thursday 15 May 2014
Come along on Thursday dressed up as your favourite storybook character.
Numeracy Games
We have moved onto fractions in Numeracy. Check out the new games under the numeracy tab. Make sure you encourage your children to go back to the addition & subtraction and multiplication and division games below the new ones. This helps your child maintain the skills they have learned during term one.
Pod 4 Assembly on Friday at 2.15 - 2.45
Come along and hear some of our writing and musical performances!
Mufti Day for St John Ambulance
St John's Fundraiser
Dress in green, black & white. Bring along a gold coin to support this wonderful organisation.
Life Education
Parent information session about the programme is being delivered by the Life Education Trust
(Pip and Harold the Giraffe) in the mobile
classroom Wednesday 9 April 3.15-3.45pm. The final day for the mobile classroom at Wanaka Primary
School is this Friday 11 April. Thanks
Pip and Harold – you have been awesome!
We had a lot of unnamed articles on display
over the last week, outside Reception. The unclaimed articles have now been taken to the Op Shop. Another
display will be set up next week. Please
check this out as the amount of unnamed clothing that is continuing to
remain unclaimed is ridiculous. PLEASE NAME ALL CLOTHING!
Science Information Evening Monday 31st March 2014
Kate Rice, a Science Contract Facilitator from Otago University, will present a parent information evening on 'The Nature of Science Teaching in the Primary School'. She will also share some science activities similar to the way the recent Mathematics workshop was run.
Come and find out the way science is being taught at our school.
Otago Anniversary Day
Monday 24th March
Teacher Only Day
Friday 21st March
Three-way Interviews in Pod 4
Wednesday 19th March 1.30 - 6.00pm
Thursday 20th March 3.15 - 6.00pm
Can't wait to see you all. Remember all goal setting sheets
Mathematics and Statistics Parent Information Evening
have been lucky to have Averil Lee (a consultant from Otago University) back,
on March 17th (Monday evening), to run a parent information evening
about Mathematics and Statistics, with a focus on numeracy.
along and find out more about …
numeracy stages and the need for a range of strategies
happens at school and how this is interconnected to home support
you can support your child’s learning at
the strands
to support thinking and learning
what your child is learning in numeracy and the challenges he or she faces in
learning concepts and applying processes. Averil will present information about
how to make learning authentic, and will share practical ideas, assessment
procedures and address the stages your child needs to work through and
understand in order to achieve to their potential.
meeting will be held in the Wanaka Primary School hall at on Monday 17 March at
7.00 pm.
Y3 & 4 Duathlon
The Middle school Duathlon (Y3-4) is on Tuesday 11th March. All children need their bikes and helmets at school. PLEASE HAVE THESE NAMED. When you arrive at school please place your child’s bike in the bike transition area. You will find this on the tennis courts at school. Each year level, as well as girls and boys, will have a separate place for their bikes. They should leave their helmet on their bike.
All children need to be wearing shoes suitable for biking and running, and they must wear a helmet while riding their bike, properly clipped.
The first race will begin at 9.30 am and you are very welcome to stay and support the children. We will begin with the Year 3 boys followed by the girls and then Year 4 boys and girls. The whole event will take approximately 2 hours.
Only marshals will be permitted in the transition areas. Children must complete the course by themselves (only teachers or marshals may provide aid). All parents MUST stay off the course. All children will have to obey the rules of these areas (e.g. parking of bikes and walking).
This is a fun event and we encourage all children to have a go.
The gates will be shut to the bottom car park at 9.15am. NO cars will be allowed to leave or enter whilst the races are on. If you have to leave after your child’s race, then please find alternative parking.
We are being our personalised approach to numeracy on Tuesday (week 5). Your child will be grouped according to their level and some will move to another teacher for this. Come in and have a look at Numeracy in action!
Spelling is underway and the children have been grouped according to their latest spelling test. Children have 10 spelling words to learn each week night at home.
Children need to be reading each night for at least 15 minutes.
Remember ...
Reading is a skill that gets better with practise
Research shows that children who spend at least 30 minutes a day develop the skills to be better readers at school
Children learn to read by reading and learn to write by reading & writing
Children learn to read then read to learn
Check with your child's reading teacher to see if they need to be reading their guided reading book, book box book or a library book each night
Some children will have reading logs to fill in. Check with your child to see if they have been given Return all reading books each day (encourage good habits)
Return library books each Friday so they can be changed
Each class in Pod 4 is going to have a bike session for the pedal and push programme. All children will need to bring their bike and
helmet to school on Wednesday 26th of February. There will be a quick helmet and bike check followed by a practical session on the top field.
Classroom Time Slots:
Room 13 9.15 am to 10.15 am
Room 14 10.15 am to 11.15 am
Room 15 11.30 am to 12.30 pm
Room 16 1.45 pm to 2.45 pm
Helmets to be taken into classrooms
Helmets to be taken into classrooms
We do need parents to assist with the programme. Please fill out the form at the bottom of the notice that went home on Thursday if you are
able to assist. If you are not
contacted, we will not require your help this time. Thank you for your continued support.
Swimming Sports
These are being held on Monday, 17 February at the Wanaka pool for all children 8 years old and up as of 5 March 214. A notice giving all details was sent home on Monday, 10 February.
Competitive swimming will be held from 9.00-12.00 noon
Non-competitive swimming will be held from 1.30-2.40 pm
Our math's focus he first two weeks is Statistics. We have been learning about tallycharts, asking questions for investigation, drawing graphs and making statements about the information presented in the graph. We will be drawing pictographs, strip, bar, pie, line and stem and leave graphs. Click on the Statistics Games page to find games to support the learning that is happening in class.
Waitangi Day
Remember Thursday, 6 February is Waitangi Day. See information about this day on the first page.
Sunhats are compulsory at school everyday during Terms 1 and 4. Please make sure students have a hat they can leave at school.
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