Wednesday 17 December 2014

Ancient Egypt

Hieroglyphs are Ancient Egyptian writing and  only scribes could write.  It was very hard work. Hieroglphs means holy writing.
Mummies in Ancient Egypt
The people believed that their was an after life  the God was Anuibis. They wrapped  the mummy  in bandages  and in salt for 40 days.  It took 70 days to make a mummy.
The Rosetta stone 
Archaeologists discovered the Rosetta stone. The Rosetta stone was an important discovery. If archaeologists didn't discover the Rosetta stone they wouldn't be able to read the hieroglyphics.  Hieroglyphs hieroglyphics was Egypt writing.  The scribe did the best writing of hieroglyphics and was one of the most important people in ancient Egypt.
Ancient Egypt is a very special culture in the world. They created monuments that we can't even recreate.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt existed 5000 years before Jesus was born.
Ancient Egyptians used pictures to show different objects. They were called hieroglyphics.  This means holy writing. There is over 700 hieroglyphics symbols.
Rosetta  stone
The Rosetta stone is how they found hieroglyphics. It took 20 years to decode. Egyptologists knew the pictures had meanings. It listed all the good things the pharaoh had done for the priests and people of Egypt.
Mummification was and difficult. Ancient Egyptians believed the after-life that’s why they made mummies.
Ancient Egypt is a special culture in the world.

Drawing Santa

How to Draw Santa Claus's Face 
Check out the You Tube Video used to do the drawings. View our Photo Peach to see all the different They are amazing and you were all so focused! You listened to, and followed instructions. Drawing Santa on PhotoPeach

Pod Picnic

Pod Picnic on PhotoPeach

Friday 12 December 2014

Discover Ancient Egypt!

Ancient Egypt is a remarkable country full of intelligent people. Read on to know more.

Egyptian Writing
Egyptian writing was called hieroglyphs.  In Greek this means holy writing - hiero means holy and glyphs meaning writing. There are at least 700 hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt. Not many people could write in ancient Egypt so scribes were hired.    
In ancient Egypt people believed that after you died you would journey to the afterlife (a second life after you die). You would appear in a different form so your family would put in all the things you need for the afterlife, for example, food and money.

Egypt is a hot country,so people wore light weight clothes to keep themselves cool. Their clothes covered most of their skin and mostly people made their clothes out of plant fibre, such of linen. Young children ran around naked until 6 years of age. Men wore a short kilt and sometimes a type of shirt. Woman wore a straight dress with one or two straps.

Houses were made from mud bricks and papyrus reeds. Mud bricks are made from mixing mud with straw, putting it in a mould and leaving it in the sun to dry. After a few years the bricks started to crumble though.

Ancient Egypt was a civilized country and it was full of people with great ideas and creative minds.

Discover Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is in the north-east of Africa and an old civilization.

The River Nile
Ancient Egypt would not exist without the River Nile because it provides food, water, transportation and excellent food for farming. The River Nile is 6,670 km long. The Egyptians lived and farmed along the river and used the mud for houses. Papyrus grew along the river that was used to make paper and boats.

The Egyptians used mud bricks and papyrus reeds for their houses. They built the houses with two floors, the bottom floor was used for storing crops and the top floor was where they lived. The poor only had one layer and the wealthy had two-three layers, but the rich had stone houses.

The Egyptians wore light wear clothing to keep cool that which was made out of linen, but most kids were naked up to the age of six years old.
Men wore a loincloth or a short bottom kilt. Women wore a straight dress. They also both wore green or blue eye shadow and black eyeliner also jewellery to honour the gods.

Ancient Egyptians used pictures to show different objects, actions, sounds and ideas. There are 700 and more hieroglyphs. The name hieros (that means holy) and glyph (that means writing) and that makes holy writing. The paper that the Egyptians write on is made from papyrus reeds in a process when it gets flattened, dried, and stuck together to make pages. Hieroglyphs are also carved on stone walls in tombs and used in scribe schools.

Ancient Egypt was an amazing kingdom and had very smart people in it.      

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Panto Pandemonium - Reviewed by Anise Maclean

The excellent pantomime was performed in the school hall on a stage that arrived just in time. The audience enjoyed the whole thing start to finish and were very good at joining in the song “Panto Pandemonium”. The characters that the crowd most laughed at were Magnolia (Estelle Gellatly) and Rose Red (Tru Bowie) also Apple White (Taylor Doran)  and their hilarious song called “Its Gotta Be” that the stepsisters sang the song with a lot of expression
Each class reformed an excellent dance and song but one of the best dances was room 16 with an energetic dance called “Kung Fu Fighting” and a fantastic song by room 14 called “She’s a Mod”
The make-up on the main characters and classes was excellent, whether spooky or beautiful, it all looked great.
But in the end the children saved the day and the fairy’s got their magic. The pantomime was a great family entertainment and enjoyment.

Henri's Mummy & Sarcophagus

Grayson's Mummy & Sarcophagus

Kalan's Mummy & Sarchophagus

Wednesday 3 December 2014

What is Advent?

Have you wondered why you have an Advent calendar and why you open one each day?  If so find out more about Advent by clicking on the Advent wreath and the Advent Calendar.

Online Advent Calendar

On each day in December 2014, test your knowledge on how Christmas is celebrated around the world, using our very own interactive advent calendar. Most of the facts and photos in the advent calendar below have been sent in by schools and visitors around the world. No peeking before the correct day.

Secret Santa

Room's 15 and 16 are doing a 'Secret Santa ' leading up to Christmas.  The children initiated this idea.  Please let us know if you do not want your child to take part.  

 Each student will be asked to bring a small gift (home-made or costing no more than $7) for either a girl or a boy.

The gifts will need to be wrapped and labelled (boy/girl), then placed under the tree in Room 16 by Friday 12th December 2014.  

Secret Santa is a Western Christmas tradition in which members of a group or community are randomly assigned a person to whom they anonymously give a gift. The participation in it is usually voluntary. 

What is a Sarcophagus?