Friday 7 August 2015


Bob is dark grey to camouflage and has a deep dark cave.  He has two big golden cheeks. Bob has two white eyes that spot his prey.  Bob has eight long talons to catch his prey.  He has a big jaw to crunch the bones  of mammals  in his cave .  He has a long spiky back that makes him look like he's from the dinosaur age.  Bob has a rough and slimy skin, with blood mixed into the slime .  The slime holds blood to drink when he's thirsty.  He has a long scorpion-shaped tail.  Bob is a meat eater.
By Rylan

Archie's Writing

Celebrating Ruby's Writing

Monster Bob

Monster Bob has a tail like a whip which he uses for killing his prey. He has big grey knobbly knees. His cave is covered in blood because he eats his prey in there. Monster Bob has a long tail so he can strangle his prey. His claws can help him jump over rocks. 
By Sophia Gooch


Kevin has a long black tail two wack his prey.He has long knobbly powerful legs so he can gallop.He has sharp big teeth to crunch bones once he has eaten the meat of his prey. He has big claws that are pointy and long. Monster has two claws, one medium and one big. He has thirteen pointy spikes that make him scary. He has six long legs for pouncing at prey. Monster has tiny, tiny eyes and two big eyebrows. He is dribbling because he just ate a deer!

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Maori Language Week

Kia Ora

Last week we took part in Maori Language Week.  The challenge this year is to learn one simple phrase every week, for 50 weeks.  These phrases are everyday comments/questions that you would use in the home.
Get on board ....
Click here to listen to each phrase

Monday 3 August 2015

Solar System Scale Model

This afternoon we made a scale model of the solar system using toilet paper.  We went right into Hannah's room! We rolled out toilet paper squares according to the chart below